Monday, August 17, 2009

A note from Sharon Reeves Robertson

Hi Claudine,
I loved your reply to Frank's entry on the blog - you are so right on so many fronts. I am just jealous that your memory is so good. Like you, I remember the independence we had as kids but can't recall many specifics. The one thing we always looked forward to was Halloween. We would leave home before dark and collect treats (all kinds, even homemade ones, heaven forbid) and walk for blocks around until well after dark. Those things just don't happen now - parents bring their kids in cars and check and recheck all the treats before allowing them to eat. I can't remember my Dad returning from the Navy in 1945, but do remember living with relatives while he was gone. We also did not have a car until the late 40's - took public bus and/or streetcar everywhere. We used to stand down at a bus stop on the Paseo (42nd?) on Sunday morning waiting for a bus to go to church and hoping that a church member would see us and pick us up - many times one did. It was definitely a much more trusting time and I am so thankful to have lived it.
When is your raft trip?? Good luck and have a great time. SHARON R.

1 comment:

Rex Weddle said...

Sharon, not only did we trick or treat for blocks and blocks, we knew the names of the families who lived in half the houses.

We, too, lost our car in the late 40's - I have a vivid recollection of watching it being driven away by the new owners! Wasn't much of a problem for me, except that I now had to hoof it to the store several times a week for groceries.