Sunday, August 16, 2009

Correspondence between Bob Pflanz & Jay Salmon

Dear Jay (John),

Do you remember us playing touch football in the grass just outside of your home beside Paseo boulevard? I was trying to remember who all used to play. I remember the time when Richard Copaken got knocked out or almost while we were playing.  It seems like it must have been you and me and John Bruce?, Charles Moske?, Richard.  I'm not clear of who all we had there. I do remember playing poker in your basement rec room but again I'm not sure who all we had playing. I remember your dad worked for the post office, didn't he?  And you worked in the summer at Corn Products? Do you remember the float trip after graduation?  It's been a long long time, but those times were really special. I don't remember too many bad guys or too many great problems that we couldn't solve.  A pleasant memory trip to take.

Just thinking of you. Have a nice day.

Your friend from long ago.


Bob--as you've no doubt surmised, i'm a lousy email correspondent. seems to me our football games had a movable cast of characters. i do remember the time Copaken got knocked silly and we drug him woozily home.  another time Gary Smith ('58, the starting fullback) joined us and we were all afraid to touch him. particularly memorable for me was the time several us were playing touch but things got a bit heated so we switched to tackle and i broke my nose (the first time; #3 was last thanksgiving at my home when i proved conclusively that our stone fireplace is harder even than my head).  i also remember playing poker in my folks basement as well as the other memories you brought up.  re the float trip, do you remember that Downs caught a fish and we blew it up by sticking a cherry bomb in his gills (must have seemed like a good idea at the time!).  also i remember being in the boat with Kunz, ducking under a branch in some fairly fast water, and
 looking back to see Don's feet go over the stern as he reached up to break off the branch but didn't get the job done.

as you say, good times. hope all is`well with you. Elaine's in the hospital right now with her 2nd bout of chemo for hodgkin's disease. happily it's very curable but the chemo is likely to take 6 months and is a real bear with lots of nasty side effects.


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