Thursday, June 28, 2012


A note from Don Kunz:

Many thanks for posting that note about Richard Copaken's daughter.

I am still writing and occasionally getting published in little literary magazines which are difficult to find.  So, sending a list of what I have written would not help any of my old classmates who might want to read any of it.  However, I have had a couple of short stories published recently which are accessible on line.  So, if anyone is interested here they are:

"Birds and Eggs" can be found at

The second one is a little tricky:  when you click on the link, the journal's cover will appear, then you have to put your cursor on the lower right hand corner and when it starts to wrinkle, click your mouse and a page will turn, keep turning; my story starts on page 34.  After going to all that work at least you will find the story is happily short.

In contrast to your Kansas City weather, it is in the 60's here most days and sometimes falls below freezing at night.  On Mt. Bachelor, 25 minutes away, they are open for skiing this weekend.  I think our summer will come on a Thursday this year.

All the best to you and yours,


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