Friday, July 30, 2010

It's been a quiet summer out there

I haven't heard from many people this summer. It seems like we are all hunkered down during the hot weather and just waiting for the coolness to return before we venture out again. It has been a summer like the "old days" before air conditioning when we had to stay out in the shade or go to the movies or swim or run through the sprinkler. Now that the world is air conditioned, we hide inside and prefer not to sweat and toil or even play in the heat. That's not a terrible idea at our age, but it does keep us out of touch.

Why don't you send me some thoughts about what you did in the "old days" to pass the summer time. We all would like to share your memories and rekindle our own.

The only note I have to pass along is this recent one from Charles Fisher.

Hi Robert. The year plus since the great Paseo '59 Reunion has passed so fast. Here is an update for my personal e-mail in case you don't have it. I hope you are well and have a wonderful summer. Best regards always,

Charles A. Fisher

So, keep those cards and letters coming in and share your thoughts and memories with the rest of your buddies from long ago.

BY THE WAY, the class of 1960 recently had their reunion and you can visit their site at

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