Claudine sent me a note this weekend which I will add here:
Hi Bob,
Rex asked me the other day why more people were not participating in the blog. I said I believed several never received/read/understood the original messages about the blog and that I believe you guys don't realize how dumb many of us are. I say this while staring at my IBM Selectric Typewriter which I may now be able to give up, but which up until about a year and one half ago was my highest technological achievement.
I think a lot of us are challenged beyond simple e-mail and most do not want to admit it--I am the exception. So, the instructions have to be written for a super novice, and just tell them to send their comments to you and you will take care of it all. I am not even sure most can find the blog. I would not be able to but for John put it on a g-mail bookmark, so all I have to do is click there. I have only about 5 bookmarks.
I honestly do not know if more people want to participate, but my feeling is yes. So, keeping total ignorance at the forefront of your mind in any message you may send, you may want to iterate the way to access the blog, including info re bookmarks if it is more universal than gmail. And the tell them once more that you will post.
I think sharing these memories is a very special experience. We ended up being a pretty close class. I again will say that the lack of participation is in my mind the inability to do so easily. And , I am one of the very few uninhibited about displaying my ignorance.
I realize that many of you have a problem dealing with your computer. For those of you who read this blog, the simple answer is to send an email to me which I will add to the blog. Just send it to this email address -
Anything else I say here won't be read by anyone who does not have access to the internet, so it would be pointless. If you know of anyone who might like to know what the rest of us are saying or doing but don't log onto the internet, please let them know that we want to hear from them and will respond by letter, or email or by way of this blog. And let them know what we've had to say here. Thanks.
Keep those cards and letters and emails coming in. We all want to share.